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Monday, February 4, 2008

How To Write Good Articles

Submitting good contents in various directories have proved to be a good way to generate good amount of traffic into your website, giving it a faster growth. It is the good content that can pillar the growth of the online business, may it be an online brochure or press release or article or blog post. While dealing with the best way to write good articles, it is required to evaluate the main problems of writing good articles. The main problem however, is the lack of confidence and considering yourself to be not a bad writer. This is the one of the chief constraint of coming up with good content. The second serious problem is that sometimes people cannot select a proper topic and third salient problem is not being aware of the correct procedure and postulates of writing good articles.

Well said an ancient Chinese proverb that "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire". If you have never written articles before, you can try out writing something now. Try taking out the artist that is hidden with you

Here are some very important tips as to how to write good articles:

Selection of Topic: If you are not provided with the topic, then select the one from your field of interest. If you are good at training dogs you can start writing about how to train dogs and how to communicate with dogs. It's not a big deal, as you already know what to write and what are the steps involved. Just be at it and write something about what all you know.

Now let's suppose that you are provided with the topics to write on. Half the battle is won! But some very significant points have to be considered. Start off with making a good research work on the topic over the net.

Research: Make some careful and serious research work on the subject that you are going to work on. The key to the success is to put some necessary information about the subject - some information that people would like to have. This is an awesome way to increase the stick time of the visitors to your copy. Take down the points that you want to write on and arrange them according the importance.

Word Limit: The standard word length is around 500 - 600 words or a visitor would far rather read an article of 700 words if it gives helpful information in abundance. But no one will read a puzzling 1000 word article that doesn't say something very important.

Title: Title is the first line of the article. So it has to be attractive enough to grab the visitors' attention. A good title should create an eagerness in the visitors to start reading the article. This way reading every single line the reader should feel an urge of reading the next sentence. Remember unless a title is keyword rich, the purpose is not actually served. So try to come up with a title that has at least one keyword. But more than two keywords in a tile may be a mess.

Write for the audience: There's point attracting the mass, who are looking for the discounted sport shoes for the upcoming soccer tournament, if you are running a pet business. Develop the content of your article for the people who are looking for a dog or a cat. Here's where the importance of selecting a topic lies.

Parts of Article: A good article should contain three essential parts - Introduction, Main idea (body) and Conclusion.

Introduction - Start off writing with an effective introduction that should map out what actually follows. This strategy is most effective across all types of writing, whether it is a press release or a advertisement. Tell them what actually you are going to tell them.

Main idea -- This is the main body of the article that should contain the detailed discussion of points that you got while researching on the subject. Most important points should be discussed prior to the less important ones. By this way you can increase the visitor's stick time to your article.

Conclusion -- As for the conclusion, it is just as important as the introduction of the article. Your conclusion should be effective enough to leave a final and long lasting impression on the readers' mind. It's the rule of thumb that you should not add anything concluding. Make sure that the conclusion is in the same style as the introduction, telling the entire thing in gist.

Subheadings and quotes: If you want to come up with different ideas and thoughts, the best way is to use subheads and incorporate different thoughts within a single copy. On the other level, sub headings help the readers to find detailed information quickly. Use of quotes sometimes proves to be a great way to come up with an interesting write up, if used in proper places. But remember that too much use of quotes may spoil the entire essence of the article.

Keywords stuffing: By using appropriate keywords you can gain free and easy exposure on the Internet. The Internet users across the world look for information by typing specific words in the search engines. So it is of prime importance to incorporate these buzzwords properly in your content. If not done so, there are chances that the readers will be lost on someone else's copy. Keywords can be categorized into three categories, viz. primary keywords (most typed words), secondary keywords (second most typed words), and tertiary keywords (less searched keywords). The primary keywords should be used as densely 5 - 6 times in the article. The secondary keywords should be used at least 3 times and tertiary at least 2 times in the articles. Although the least typed keywords the Tertiary keywords has a special significance as the competition for such buzzwords are very low.

Grammar: Correct use of grammar is what is of prime most significance when it comes to any form of writing. Your write up need not be a Pulitzer award winning piece, but must be understandable to all. So use of simple words and simple sentences is highly appreciated.

Following these simple tips you can try out writing articles. As a beginner you can start off with something that you can write on. Just don't worry about the keywords. This would come automatically as you mature. Little bit of research on keywords would be required, concentrate on your writing as you are a first time writer.

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How to Make Money Off Blog Advertising

As more and more people begin to recognize the revenue potential within the world of blogging, even the smallest bloggers are looking for ways to capitalize on their blogs reach. The most obvious way is to incorporate blog advertising into their site. But not all advertising opportunities are the same. Here is a review of the most popular formats, and the pros and cons associated with each one.

Google Adsense

Almost everyone is familiar with the small contextual ad blocks you see on the sidebars of many websites. They list offers that are directly relevant to the content of the website o which they are featured. In return for posting these ads, webmasters are rewarded with a small compensation each time a visitor clicks on the ads. While this is certainly one of the easiest ways to make money from your blog, the relatively low payouts per click can take time to accrue. On the flip side, because they are easy to integrate and track, they can be the preferred solution for bloggers with limited time to devote to research and testing.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing offers provide bloggers with a way to earn commissions on each sale they generate for a third-party website through the posting of banners and websites. Some the best programs can generate impressive returns when creatively integrated into your blog. The key to success in affiliate marketing is to test a number of different advertisers and experiment with creative ways to present their products to your readers. Although this can involve a significant amount of testing, the returns are normally much higher than with Adsense-type advertising.

Direct Advertising

For bloggers seeking a reliable and consistent revenue stream, direct advertising offers the best opportunity. A high-traffic blog can charge upwards of a $100 per month for dedicating a small banner space to a particular client. Multiply this by five or six available slots and you can build an impressive income that is not affected by the tendencies of traffic numbers and reader interests. Of course you will first have to build a stable reader base that can offer good exposure for the advertiser, and it will take some time to find interested parties. For these reasons, direct advertising is not suitable for everyone.

Making money off blog advertising is not incredibly difficult, but it does require a bit of strategy to maximize its potential. Using the points listed here you can determine which outlet is best suited for your blog. No matter which direction you choose however, it is important to experiment with all of them. You don't want to leave revenue on table only because you were too lazy to try something new.

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