Friday, December 1, 2006

4 Essentials Steps To Make Money From My Website

You already know what these four things are but the main issue is that they are all mixed in with a plethora of other issues and concepts. What I've done by drawing attention to these four key elements is to help you focus your mind on the most important attributes your website must have if it is going to work and make money for you. The 4 attributes are:
1  Integrated With Your Business
2  Visual Design
3  Technical Construction
4  Magnetic (high profile online attracting the right visitors)

Now I'll just briefly outline what I mean by each attribute so you can start to build a picture of each one
Integrated With Your Business
Your website needs to be aligned with your over all business message and ethos

Ideally your website should be integrated with other systems in your business so that information from prospects that visit or enquire via your website is captured into a database or similar. Your website needs to quickly convey the essence of your business and communicate the unique selling proposition and benefits to the customer of doing business with you.
You have a business and you have a website. To score highly on Business Integration you need to be in a situation where there is no divide or joining line between your business and your website – each one is dependent on the other and both reflect the core message of what it is you provide to the market.

Visual Design
Your website needs to have a professional visual appearance and reflect your corporate identity and other corporate literature. Although it is true that 'content is king' - the visual design of your website also has a great impact on visitors' overall experience and impression of your site.
The adage "First impressions count" really does hold true – you can convert a lot of visitors into customers by having great content on your website but if your site looks like a million dollars then your job will be a lot easier!
Later on when you read about this topic in detail I'll show you easy things you can do to improve the visual appearance of your website without putting a massive hole in your wallet!

Technical Construction
Your website needs to be quick to download, search engine friendly, accessible to users and error-free. Remember one of the two best-kept secrets of the Internet – information? Your site needs to be built in such a way that information flows from its every pore and doesn't come with a prerequisite that visitors need to bring chisels and shovels with them to get at the stuff they're so desperate to find.

Magnetic (high profile online attracting high volumes of the right visitors)
Your website needs to be attracting high volumes of targeted traffic from many different sources on the web including search engines, directories and links. A magnet does two things – it attracts but it also retains and this is exactly what your website needs to do. It needs to attract lots of visitors and retain as many of them as possible for as long as possible. When we talk about this later you will learn the secrets of search engines and the best ways to achieve a globally high profile for your website.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes

Here's How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and powerful ways of earning some money online. This program gives everybody a chance to make a profit through the Internet. Since these affiliate marketing programs are easy to join, implement and pays a commission on a regular basis, more an more people are now willing in this business. However, like all businesses, there are lots of pitfalls in the affiliate marketing business. Committing some of the most common mistakes will cost the marketers a large portion taken from the profit they are making everyday. That is why it is better to avoid them than be regretful in the end.

Mistake number 1: Choosing the wrong affiliate. Many people want to earn from affiliate marketing as fast as possible. In their rush to be part of one, they tend to choose a bandwagon product. This is the kind of products that the program thinks is "hot". They choose the product that is in demand without actually considering if the product appeals to them. This is not a very wise move obviously. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon, try top choose a product in which you are truly interested in. For any endeavor to succeed, you should take some time to plan and figure out your actions. Pick a product that appeals to you. Then do some research about that product to see if they are in demand. Promoting a product you are more passionate about is easier than promoting one for the sake of the earnings only.

Mistake number 2: Joining too many affiliate programs. Since affiliate programs are very easy to join, you might be tempted to join multiples of affiliate programs to try and maximize the earnings you will be getting. Besides you may think that there is nothing wrong and nothing to lose by being part of many affiliate programs. True, that is a great way to have multiple sources of income.

However, joining multiple programs and attempting to promote them all at the same time will prevent you from concentrating on each one of them. The result? The maximum potential of your affiliate program is not realized and the income generated will not exactly be as huge as you were thinking initially it would. The best way to get excellent result is by joining just one program that pays a 40% commission at least. Then give it your best effort by promoting your products enthusiastically.

As soon as you see that it is already making a reasonable profit, then maybe you can now join another affiliate program. The technique is to do it slowly but surely. There is really no need to rush into things, especially with affiliate marketing. With the way things are going, the future is looking real bright and it seems affiliate marketing will be staying for a long time too.

Mistake number 3: Not buying the product or using the service. As an affiliate, you main purpose is to effectively and convincingly promote a product or service and to find customers. For you to achieve this purpose, you must be able to relay to the customers that certain product and service. It is therefore difficult for you to do this when you yourself have not tried these things out. Thus, you will fail to promote and recommend them convincingly. You will also fail to create a desire in your customers to avail any of what you are offering.

Try the product or service personally first before you sign up as an affiliate to see if it is really delivering what it promises. If you have done so, then you are one of the credible and living testaments aware of its advantages and disadvantages. Your customers will then feel the sincerity and truthfulness in you and this will trigger them to try them out for themselves.

Many affiliate marketers makes these mistakes and are paying dearly for their actions. To not fall into the same situation they have been in, try to do everything to avoid making the same mistakes. Time is the key. Take the time to analyze your marketing strategy and check if youa re in the right track. If done properly, you will be able to maximize your affiliate marketing program and earn higher profits.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Vizu Answers: Monetize Your Blog Without Sending Visitors Away

Vizu LogoVizu Answers is an innovative concept for generating extra revenue from your website without displaying banner ads or text links to your site visitors . And since Vizu uses CPM (cost per mile) based pricing model, bloggers can make money from every page impression independent of visitor clicks.

Using Vizu Answers (see live example), advertisers can place interactive web polls on your blog and when a user votes on a poll, the results load immediately into the window without the entire page needing to reload.

The most tempting part is that, unlike other advertising networks, the site visitor continues to stay on your website even after participating (or clicking) in a Vizu poll.

You start by creating a custom Vizu Poll Zones (like blogads ) on your site and set your own CPM rates (Vizu charges 50% commission). The poll zones can be completely customized to match the look-n-feel of your site including the width and colors.

Each Poll Zone can be between 150 and 300 pixels in width while the heights are typically between 300 to 600 pixels. Clients pay extra for added graphics; so the taller the poll, the more money you earn.

The Vizu polls are served via Javascript and displayed using Flash [not Ajax]. When the Zone is closed, the content below moves up and leaves no blank areas on your page.

You will earn revenue for every impression of a Vizu research poll shown in your Poll Zones. Vizu will issue payment at the end of each month via check or paypal as long as you have accrued at least $50 in revenue in your account.

Vizu probably uses cookies to prevent duplicate voting and site visitors do have the flexibility of changing their votes.

Advertisers will definitely love this idea since they can easily target their research to a niche set of audiences.

For instance, Microsoft can get feedback about Zune by placing Vizu web polls on Engadget, Gizmodo and other tech websites where a large proportion of visitors are already Zune users.

Overall, the entire Vizu Answers workflow is every impressive and offers a neat implementation that will easily blend in existing blogs. Give it a shot.

Just remember that sidebars above the main fold are probably the best location for placing a Vizu Answer Poll widget - greater visibility and will command higher CPM.

Banners to tell what you want to say

by chris broad
Do you want to announce something to people? So what do you think is the best way of going about doing this? Banners are the best medium through which you can tell people whatever you want to communicate to them. Banners are usually made of a long strip of paper or cloth to advertise about anything. Or banners can simply be your means to get your message across to people. Communication through banners is increasingly being done these days, due to the kind of influence it has over people from all age groups.

Banners can be put up at any convenient place. And these days, every other place seems to be convenient to put up banners. Banner advertising has been used since early days to advertise about foods and services besides many other things. So if you run a business and are planning to advertise about your services, opt for banner advertising. Getting professional help to do this work for you is a very good option. Well you will be able to get the maximum out of this, if you get professional help.

First of all, you must make sure that you know what you are doing exactly. Decide where you want to put up the banners. Well, you need a very convenient place to put up the banner for reaching out to your target audience and making an impact. In the banner, you can put up information on what you are offering to your customers. Make sure to include information about all the attractive features which you are offering to customers.

The banner which you put up for advertising about your goods and services must be unique, appealing and attractive. Banners can be seen everywhere so your banner must be different in all aspects. Put up attractive colors and pictures in the banner. Also make sure that the words used are very catchy and can grab customer attention for you. The size and the place where a banner is put up also matters a lot. So you must take proper care of al these aspects before you make banners for advertising your business or any other thing.

The entire purpose of putting up banner for advertising about anything will be lost completely, if you are not able to reach out to your target audience. So anything you do in the banners must reflect your effort to reach out to your target audience. Suppose you are promoting an event where youngsters can participate and discuss on various topics, and your banner does not have anything which will attract the youth, then the entire process will go waste. You will lose money other then losing on time and energy. So make all the provisos beforehand, so that you do not have to face such problems.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Adwords Users Can Now Target Adsense Channels

by Matt
Adwords Users Can Now Target Adsense Channels Google have added a feature to their adsense adwords program that will allow advertisers to pick a custom channel to advertise in, and also allow adsense publishers to select which channels to enable channel targeting in.

No longer will adwords advertisers have to manually select pages or directories that they wish their advert to appear in, they can now simply select the channel that the publisher has set to allow channel targeted adverts to appear in. I'm guessing it will also enable adwords advertisers to pick what adblock on the page they wish to advertise in on a certain page if you have channels set up on a per-ad-block basis.

If you are an adsense publisher and want to enable this custom channel targeting for your adverts simply follow these instruction.

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Under the AdSense Setup tab, visit the Channels page.
  3. Under the AdSense for content sub-tab, make sure you have selected custom channels.
  4. Click the radio button next to the channel that you would like to make targetable then, click the corresponding 'edit settings' link.
  5. Click the checkbox marked 'Show this channel to advertisers for targeting' and enter a description for your channel. Keep in mind that advertisers will see the name and description, so you want to provide something accurate and informative that will represent your site well.
  6. Click 'Save channel'.

The Death Of Adsense?

You have probably seen this eBook floating around the internet for download, Usually being spammed as a referral link on webmaster forums. It presents the premise that Google adsense is dead.
by [ Matt ]
So is Adsense dead? The truth is yes, Yes it is dead. But it is only dead if you run a useless site with copy and past articles and if your sole intention is too make money from adsense. We have all seen these sites, They use automatically generated articles that have been scraped from other sites or rehashed search engine links. If you are a good webmaster or blogger who writes interesting articles and unique quality content Google Adsense is very much alive and a great way to keep a steady stream of income.

Some time ago Google made a few small, But significant changes to the adsense program. Adwords users can now chose if they want their advert displayed on Google search pages, Publishers websites or both. Needless to say, Probably because of click fraud, Most advertisers decided they wanted to display adverts only on google search pages, Which means those adverts receive the highest bids from advertisers.

The next thing Google done was to try and remove the MFA, or made for adsense sites, from the Google search index and prevent people displaying adsense on MFA sites. the Google terms even says you aren't allowed to display adsense on sites created entirely for displaying adverts. This got a few webmasters who run the useless MFA sites worried, They were used to making hundreds of dollars a week from their useless spammy sites. So when Google made the changes to clean up Adsense and clean up in Google index these webmasters came to the conclusion that " Adsense is dead" and proceeded to created stupid little eBooks, That you have to buy, Which claim adsense is no good anymore.
Creating sitemaps-the proper path for search engin...
There is nothing wrong with building a website to make money from adsense, I do it, But it is essential that you create quality articles, provide good information and don't become one of these meaningless spam sites.

Warnings About Cyberfraud ~ Phishing for your personal information ~ Nigerian email letter investment scam

by Michael Dennidson
Phishing (pronounced "fishing") is a type of brand spoofing. That is, the Web page of a legitimate Web site — such as your bank, PayPal, Best Buy, and so on — is recreated by a fraudster. An e-mail message is sent to you in an attempt to fool you into revealing your personal financial information or password data. Sometimes, to gain your personal financial information, "Phishers" will use

Social engineering: Phishing sometimes uses social engineering to gain your confidence Social engineering is when unscrupulous individuals exploit the weaknesses in people to gain confidential information, such as passwords that will compromise information system security

Social engineering is as a low-tech way that Internet users can have their iden tities stolen.

High-tech lures: The term phishing is used to describe how fraudsters use sophisticated lures to deceive everyday Internet users. Experts note that about 5 percent of all recipients respond to phishing exploits. Industry experts state that about 95 percent of all phishing exploits originate from a spoofed (forged) Internet address. About five new phishing exploits are reported each month. This is how it works:

The bait: You receive an e-mail message from your bank stating that,due to a security break-in, they need to verify your password and IDnumber.

The hook: You follow the link to the phisher's Web page. The spoofed Web page has a similar URL and looks just like the page you usually use.

Reeling you in: A pop-up appears, requesting that you sign on usingyour personal password and user ID.The pop-up is often a dead giveaway that something is wrong. It's important to report suspicious activity to the FTC. Another way to check whether some thing is wrong, in case a pop-up doesn't appear, is to compare the current URL to the URL you usually use. If the URLs are different, you're being scammed. If you get spam that is phishing for information and you want to help stop this type of activity, forward it to

Nigerian e-mail letter investment scam: Over the last 18 months, I have received 147 variations (that's almost three e-mail messages a month) of the Nigerian investment scam I call these e-mail messages Nigerian, but recently many of these bogus business opportunities or advanced fee scams have originated from Iraq, Zimbabwe, London, Hong Kong, and South Africa

Often, these e-mail messages promise that I'll receive millions in return for helping a VIP collect money trapped in a Central Bank. The plea for help assures me that the investment is 100-percent safe. Each version of the e-mail appeal is slightly different, but the scam remains the same: I'm guaranteed 20 percent of all recovered funds. In some instances, the fraudster will ask for enormous amounts of money for fees, taxes, traveling expenses, and so on. I'm then asked to provide the name, address, and account number of my bank. For those investors who fall for the scam, the con artist uses this information to rob the investors' accounts. See the Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Web site located at pubs/alerts/nigeralrt.htm, which offers a short history and details about this scam. If you're interested in more information about these scams, including copies of some of the initial letters and the extensive official documents that are sent to victims, download the Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud report from the U.S. State Department ( You need to download Acrobat Reader from to view the PDF file (if you haven't already downloaded and installed the free program).

Monday, November 27, 2006

Affiliate Marketing-Revealed Secrets For Massive Success

by Don Emmons
Affiliate Marketing is becoming more and more popular every day as a way of making an income. Affiliate marketing falls in the low-risk business type because the potential of loss is relatively small and the potential for earnings can be huge.The income streams are nearly limitless. With so many different products out there and the commissions so generous that with the secrets revealed here you have the potential to acquire massive financial success.

As an Internet Affiliate Marketers, you must focus on three major factors that will greatly increase your income revenue.

These are;
1... making the correct choice of the product or service you are going to affiliate with
Many Affiliate Marketing tutorial and guides out there state that the product or service you choose to affiliate with be one that you are knowledgeable about and/or of a topic you have a passion about. This is fine and good IF that product or service meets these three criteria. 1; a product or service that is in great demand (provides the solution to a "popular" problem) 2; pays a high commission for each sale and 3; has a good tech support system in place.

2... the ability to create a large volume of targeted traffic to your sales page or advertisement
Without this factor, you may as well not even start an affiliate marketing venture. Don't relay on just a massive amount of generic traffic to make you big profits. The sales (conversions) will come from the "targeted" traffic...traffic that have been convinced that maybe find the resolve to their specific problem from your product or service.
The topic of this article addresses the use of "affiliate leveraging".

3...the effectiveness of the sales page or advertisement (conversion rate)
Conversion rate (the ratio of the number of sales to number people reading your sales page or advertisement) is heavily dependent on the structure (psychology) of the content of your sales page or ad and also how closely it matches the expectations of reader.The content should be targeted at people facing that particular problem who will then have no problem in clicking through to your order page.

Many people assume that affiliate marketing is actually a get rich quick type of business and with the right strategy, tutorials and knowledge of certain loopholes you can build substantial revenue streams in a relative short length of time (in a few months not years). Your job as a product or service affiliate is to find potential customers, pre-sell them and deliver them to a sales page where they can make their purchase.The key word here is "FIND". So here's your challenge....How do you go about finding masses of potential customers that need your product or service?

What if you had the help of over 113,000 other affiliate marketers eager to sell your product and the product you are promoting is not even your own? It's called "affiliate leveraging". Think of the amount of potential customer will be generated from leveraging with 113,000 marketers promoting a product you don't own.

Here's a hypothetical scenario to illustrate this strategy which in reality is possible if you know how to apply the "loophole" secret.

You've done your homework and found a digital product that meets the criteria of being popular (in demand) because it solves a problem and one that you have acquired the resale rights from the author for a reasonable price of $200. The digital product selling price is $47 and you've decided you'll pay a commission of 60 % to anyone who gets a sale for you (other affiliate marketers). Using the "loophole" strategy you commandeer 113,000 fellow affiliate marketers who are eager to sell your product for the 60 % commission. You set the gears in motions (as instructed on the videos) and........

After a few weeks you check your stats and find sales are beginning and are increasing at a substantial rate. Later you see that 450 copies have been sold in the past 30 days. Your calculate your net profit for doing almost nothing, no marketing and no selling and find you have made $6,874 clear after paying the 60 % commission and 7.5 % to the payment processor.

Now you duplicate this with, say, 4 more products with the same selling price and commission for an total net income stream of $34,370 per month ($412,440 per year).

Being an affiliate marketer requires an ability to seek out and find sellable products and to use any number of potential techniques to find buyers. Many of us do not have powerful marketing skills and would love to find a way to be successful in this business. You need products to sell and people to sell it for you.

This can be a relative simple process if you learn about a "Revealed Hidden Loophole" allowing you to cash-in on products you didn't create and tap into over 113,000 affiliates eager to sell your product..

The Internet reaches over a billion people each day worldwide and as you can see, there is plenty of opportunity here to make money, legitimately. Nothing illegal involved.

Of course, there are details to understand the "Loophole" secret strategy and whether you're a newbie or experienced affiliate marketer, this knowledge will make a Hugh difference in your incoming revenue. You are now among the few having this information and you need to consider a mini-course on the subject. Don't worry, you don't have to pay anything for the course. You can have all the right info in front of you as well as the right tools and software with the online video tutorials.

And in closing.....Here are two of the common mistakes made by new affiliates.

Poor Research - Many new online entrepreneurs believe that if they join every affiliate program under the sun they may have a good chance of making a ton of money in different industries. They end up choosing the first one they see without doing careful research as to whether it will be profitable or if it will complement the overall theme of their website. When choosing programs, be sure to take some time to research the product and comp plan in order to find out if you will be able to succeed with it.

Capturing Leads - Many affiliates will send people directly to the sales page without having some method of capturing a leads e-mail address so that they can continue to follow up with them over time. Most people won't buy on the first visit so it's important to capture their email address so you can follow up and make more sales down the line.
Affiliate Marketing: Experience The Vision
9 Simple Ways to be an Effective Blogger

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Warnings About Cyberfraud ~ Multilevel marketing plans and pyramid schemes

added by Michael Dennidson
Pyramid schemes, sometimes called multilevel marketing plans, are sure ways to lose money. Individuals are often contacted via e-mail messages and encouraged to recruit six friends; those six people recruit six more friends — and so on, in a relentless search for new recruits. New recruits are expected to purchase a minimum amount of the pyramid's products. If everyone coop erates, then by level 15, the scheme needs 7.6 billion participants — more than the Earth's population. Profits from these schemes don't come from selling products or distributor ships but from recruiting new participants. The endless recruiting of more participants eventually leads to an oversupply of sellers. Investors are left with garages full of products and the loss of their investment.

Three elements characterize pyramid schemes:

A reliance on funds from new investors (recruits) to pay returns, com missions, or bonuses to old investors

The need for an inexhaustible supply of new recruits.

The promise of earning profits without providing goods or services.

A good example of a pyramid scheme is located in the United Kingdom and online. The enterprise is called a "gifting scheme" and was still available online as of February 2005. Unfortunately, because it doesn't' appear to breach any current U.K. legislation on pyramid schemes or multilevel marketing and doesn't involve any trading of products for services, it has wriggled through a legal loophole and (at this time) can't be shut down by U.K. authorities.

Here's how the scam specifically works: If eight individuals invest £3,000 and then progress through the levels of the network, they can each expect to receive £24,000 when they reach the top level However, to reach that top level, 64 people have to each invest £3,000. Each of those 64 investors also expects to collect her £24,000. However, that means that another 512 investors need to participate.

The next level requires 4,096 participants, then 32,768 par ticipants, and then 262,144 participants. To sum it up, each investor needs eight investors in the scheme in order to get her money back and to make a return. In most cases, the supply of poten tial investors dries up, leaving the majority of investors with nothing to show for their investment.