Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bluetooth Technology And The Future Of Advertising

By Richard Jamison

Nearly all new cellular phones and mobile devices come equipped with Bluetooth technology. It is the common wireless communication platform, shared by all new mobile devices. Data transmission via Bluetooth is relatively fast and does not charge the sender or recipient, making it an attractive method for the delivery of promotional content by retailers.

As consumers make the transition to newer and more functional mobile devices, they become more visible to Bluetooth-based advertising devices, and thus more accessible to marketers. With this newfound accessibility, marketers are now faced with the challenge of engaging consumers without alarming them or creating a sense of intrusion.

The most notable change that advertisers must make is that they now must barter with their clientele, exchanging content for their attention. Although this may seem to be a compromise for advertisers, it is actually giving them the opportunity to distinguish themselves from competitors by offering their customers something in exchange for their exclusive attention. Content that many consumers are currently buying, such as ringtones or wallpapers, can now be freely offered by retailers to entice potential customers. Content that is provided by retailers via Bluetooth can also be repeatable, meaning that it can be something that consumers may choose to observe multiple times. The repeatability that mobile devices allow for is very powerful, because repetition of content is brand reinforcement.

Bluetooth marketing is a revolutionary approach, because it is personal, substantive, cost-efficient, and effective. It is personal because the mobile device is the central hub for personal communication by phone, email, text message, etc. It is substantive because it offers content that is valuable to consumers. It is cost-efficient because data transfer and content are free; and the Bluetooth advertising devices are reprogrammable. And finally, it is effective because the content can be repeatable. Bluetooth technology is the key in molding the future of advertising to fit an elusive, tech-savvy generation that no longer notices subtle forms of advertising.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Car Magnets is medium of promotion that can hit your target audience

Advertising and promotion has become an essential part to survive in the business world. It is quite obvious that marketing will enable people to know about all the information on products and services that they have to tell. There are a lot many mediums that are available in the market that can be used for this purpose. Some of them are newspapers, banners, posters, car magnets, pamphlets and many others. Out of the list of all these forms of promotion, car magnets are being considered as one of the best forms. It is because car magnets can be put on any vehicle and wherever the vehicle goes, people will surely get to see and read your message.

If you have particular concern about your country or some sports team or likewise things, then you can exhibit it with the help of car magnets. Personal attachments can be shared with the public and that too with the aid of car magnets. Well, if you have devotion for your country, then why not show it. Apart from patriotism, you can also use football or bat shaped car magnet to show your special consideration for that particular field of sports. An advantage of using car magnets is that they can be placed on the metallic part of your car and won"t even damage its surface. What more can you can ask for?

These days, every business is based on proper promotion and marketing. It is this reason that more and more business professionals are bending towards such promotional mediums that help them in taking their message to the targeted audience. And car magnets are quite helpful in this regard. It is because the more people watch the message on car magnets; the more publicity will take place. This is what every business organization aims at. They can also be used for fund raising issues, so that charity causes can also be promoted.

Normally, car magnets stand for your opinions, ideas and fondness for something that is associated with you. Ever since few years, usage of car magnets have increased to a vast extent, as they are very helpful in creating alertness among masses and enables them to take initiative in making valuable contributions towards that cause. After all, there are abundant amount of people that have special concern for charities. Along with so many advantages of car magnets, they can also be used to notify people about newest discounts on that have come up on some products. Such things can be done by companies to draw the attention of various customers.

As you select the car magnets to your own choice, they look spectacular on your car. In fact, they also add to the appearance of your car. If you are not able to get car magnets that represent your thoughts or ideas of presenting things, then you can get them custom made. The benefit of custom made car magnets is that you can give a way to your imagination and make them look even more attractive and appealing. You will also be deciding over what is to be written as a message on those car magnets. In other words, you will be completely responsible for whatever will be read and seen by the viewers.

The Secret of Determining if Your Advertising is Profitable

By Peter Geisheker Platinum Quality Author

As a marketing consultant and owner of a marketing firm, a big mistake I see businesses make is they do not take into consideration the value of repeat sales when they review if their advertising is profitable.

When determining if your advertising is profitable, you need to look at advertising as a long-term investment, just like buying stocks, real estate, or mutual funds. When evaluating your advertising you need to take into consideration repeat sales from each new customer your advertising produces. Nearly all businesses earn the majority of their sales and profits on repeat sales, NOT first time sales. Understanding this concept is one of the secrets to building a successful business.

For example, let’s say you run a small quarter page ad in your local shopper coupon magazine. This small ad costs you $300. From that single ad you attract three new customers who each buy $50 worth of your merchandise. From that information you would think that you had a loss of $100 on that ad because you paid $300 for it but you only generated $150 in sales. But let’s look at the long-term effect of those three new customers.

Let’s say that each of those three new customers purchases an additional $250 of merchandise from you over the next 11-months. When you take that into consideration, your $300 ad has now generated $900 in sales. And, what if each of those three customers purchases an additional $300 of merchandise from you the following year? Now, your original $300 ad has generated $1,800 in sales over a 24-month period. To put that into perspective, if you bought $300 worth of mutual funds and in 2-years your $300 investment was worth $1,800, you would be jumping for joy! That is why you need to view the profitability of your advertising on a long-term scale, not on a short-term 1-2 month scale. Advertising is an investment to generate long-term customers and repeat sales. Your focus as a business owner must always be on generating faithful long-term customers, NOT one-time sales.

Let’s broaden the picture even more. Let’s say one of your three new customers loved your merchandise so much that she told two of her friends about you, and her two friends each becomes a long-term customer of your business. And, what if those two friends each buys a few hundred dollars worth of merchandise from you over the next couple of years? Do you now see the tremendous long-term value of that $300 ad you placed?

Now that you have a better understanding of advertising as an investment, it is vitally important that you track the source of every new customer (i.e., did they find you in the yellow pages, direct mail, radio, Internet, etc.). Whenever you talk to a new customer you must ask the customer, “How did you hear about us?” Then, you need to track the source of that customer in a spreadsheet or a CRM system and track how many sales that customer makes over time. This is the only way you can truly determine if an advertising strategy is working. Yes, this takes time but it is worth it. And, a good CRM software application can make this tracking very easy.

In summary, before you throw in the towel on your advertising strategies because they are not immediately generating a profit, you must first understand that value of a new customer over time. Stop looking at advertising as a short term expense and start viewing advertising as what it really is, a long-term investment to the success of your business.

Peter Geisheker is the CEO of The Geisheker Group Marketing Firm. Peter develops and implements strategic marketing programs for small and medium-size businesses. For a free marketing plan ebook, please visit

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How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Superbowl Advertising - Entertainment, Not Business-Worthy

By Ravi Arapurakal

The Superbowl is no longer merely the sporting event it used to be. It has gradually, over the years, and especially the four decades of its existence, become the definitive cultural event of our age, at least in this country, the United States. This event has got so thoroughly hyped over these decades, that anticipation, not only of the actual game, but anticipation of the pre-game show, and the half-time show, and the advertising have begun to claim as much interest as the actual sporting event itself.

Let us first look at the sporting event itself, the American football game finals. Unlike baseball and basketball, the other premier American sports, where not only the final outcome, but several layers of match-ups leading up to the final are all decided by the best result of not one, but seven matches! It is a single game. The teams that are playing may have played before, and one might have won handily in earlier skirmishes, but this may have no bearing on the outcome on this stage.

There are few games where contingential factors play a greater role, where actual skill can be trumped by sheer psychological pressure, injuries, wind, moisture, temperature, familiarity with the stadium, the relatively unpredictable bounce and wobbles of the peculiarly shaped ball, the psychological states of players, all can conspire to give the prize to the less talented or the less capable team.

And yet this single event, perhaps because it is only a single event, has become, not only the premier sporting event of this country, it has become the premier media event in the country, shown in hundreds of countries, and a unique showcase of American popular culture. And this pre-eminence has given the event a glow that makes players, coaches, performers, advertisers, agencies, and organizers, perhaps feel more self-important that the event actually deserves. Just think of it, this single event accounts for almost nine billion dollars of spending!

Having said that, Superbowl XLI has now come and gone, providing the entertainment that people were paying for, with money, emotional involvement, and attention. Superbowl XLI advertising has also come and gone, but we can be sure that most of it did NOT fulfill the purpose for which companies were paying heavily for it, increasing market-share for their respective products.

I noticed 53 commercials altogether, seven 60” spots, 45 30” spots, and one 15” second spot. So many of them were funny, some were even hilarious, but most of them were so busy entertaining, that they forgot to identify their brand properly, and what was most shocking was that almost all of them failed to provide any reason to switch from a competitive brand.

This isn’t funny. The cost of each second of these spots was about $80 thousand. This means that the average 30” second spot cost the advertiser about $2.4 million. And of course the 60” spots cost them almost $5 million. And this doesn’t even include the cost of producing these special Superbowl commercials, which could cost another cool $1 million.

I could not help getting the feeling that Superbowl advertising is less about business than an ego trip for the Advertising people at the advertisers and at their ad agencies, each addressing not the prospect, but their peers and competitors in the advertising industry, so that they get some bragging time within the community.

That depressing notion was followed by and even more horrifying thought – that the people who made and approved these commercials were so jaded in a culture of entertainment, that they had forgotten the purpose of advertising investments, and were blindly developing and producing advertising that was draining their financial resources so wantonly, as though they were keeping the faucet running.

In the following articles, I will focus more closely on the companies who spent the most money advertising at this Superbowl, and speak in greater detail about the content of their advertising.

But for now, I must use the overview I got from a big-picture analysis of all the commercials featured in this Superbowl, to make some observations about the US advertising industry in general.

The companies and agencies that developed and approved all this Superbowl advertising seem to have lost sight of the purpose for which they are making, and are being allowed to make, these enormous investments in advertising. Business is the most accountable function in our world today. There are shareholders who have made investments in these companies based on the expectation that these companies will accomplish better results than their competitors with lower investments.

Their Boards of Directors are accountable to their shareholders to ensure that the management they select to run these companies will likewise be responsible and accountable. Indeed, this is precisely why the compensation of top management has itself been going through the roof, because these top managements are expected to deliver significant increments in profits on a sustainable basis, year in and year out, year after year.

In the midst of all this accountability, how can these advertisers spend so much so irresponsibly? How can they even consider airing commercials that cannot be reasonably expected to effect conversions of their competitors’ customers to their own brands? How can they even imagine paying such stratospheric rates demanded by this peak media event of the year? Could it be that the advertising profession, and it practitioners, don’t really understand the relationship of their function to the bottom lines of their respective companies?

I have long feared this, but the advertising at this Superbowl has demonstrated, beyond any doubt, that there is little if any consideration of accountability going into the decision-making processes that led to the selection of these commercials, and even less to the approval of these media rates for airing them. Our advertising industry is still infatuated with the appearance of ‘cleverness’ in advertising, instead of being concerned and focused upon the likelihood of effecting conversion, which must be the primary reason for advertising investments of this order of magnitude.

Ravi Arapurakal - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Custom Banners are attractive means for promotion

Since time immemorial, advertising has been one means that is being used to reach out to a wide group of audience. We all know the fact that promotion and advertisement are means that has to be adopted for promoting anything, be it a product, service, goods or any cause that you may feel strongly about. Custom banners are banner which can be customized and made in exactly the way you wish it to be made. Remember if you want to be successful, you must make extensive efforts to promote that. There are different means that can be used for the purpose of promotion and it is up to you to find out what the best means can be for your business.

Many innovations have been introduced in the field of advertising and this has made the whole process costly too. So, the idea is to promote your goods and do the thing in such a way that it does not cost you too much. You have to take care of your budget also. Banners are a simple means for promotion and the results have been found to be very effective in most cases. Well if you are able to get the desired results without spending too much, you will surely like to make use of custom banners to promote the goods which you are selling. Remember your business can be a success or failure depending on the type of promotion that you will use for the product or the cause.

Some of the different means that you can use for the purpose of advertisement and promotion can be done through the print and electronic media. To choose the one method which will be appropriate for your business is your prerogative. So think carefully before you adopt any method for the publicity of the cause you are supporting or the good that you are selling. To make custom banners for promotion purposes, you can hire the services of the several companies that make posters and banners as per customer needs. You just have to sit with their professionals and tell them how you would like your custom banners to be made.

Professionals who work on custom banners have the knowledge, skill and expertise to make and deign different types of custom banners. They can make custom banners in different shape, size and design and also incorporate the logo of your company or product. You can use some beautiful and attractive pictures and strong punch lines in your custom banners. Put the banners at proper places where your target audience will be able to see it as it should be. Well if you are targeting the young people, there is simply no use of putting up your custom banner in a place that is not frequented by these youths.

It is not only for business purpose that you can make use of custom banners. You can make adequate use of this for personal work as well. If you want to put up a garage sale and want to tell the people in your locality about this, you can use custom banners. You can also gather support for a cause that you are fighting for by using custom banners.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Why Women Shop

By Kelly Honeybrook

I recently read a book titled “Why Women Shop” by Minahan and Beverland. An appropriate topic as companies and businesses race to snag the female market. It is common knowledge that women are a formidable force in purchasing products not only for themselves, but also on behalf of their family. The old worn stereotype of the naïve and gullible female shopper just doesn’t wash anymore.

I think women have always been knowledgeable and astute shoppers. Today, however, women are independent shoppers, making decision on major purchases without a male insight (except for the sales assistant of course). Women are the major decision makers when it comes to running the home. They decide if they get a gardener, cleaner, or nanny to make their home run more smoothly or mothers decide on what tutor, school or music teacher their children need. Yet why do advertisers still miss the mark?

There is a very recent television commercial from a major car dealer. The advertisement is aimed at the female market and two young females can be seen shopping for a car. One girl chooses a car by selecting it off the rack, as she would if she was selecting some piece of clothing. She takes her ‘car’ to the change room and emerges later driving her car of choice. She finally asks the salesman if the car comes in the colour red. Is this just cute or degrading?

The book, “Why Women Shop”, interestingly divided the female market into 5 types of shoppers. Can you see yourself here?

  • The Lone Browser – she can wander around for hours, soaking up the latest trends
  • Ms Grab and Go – time poor, quick and targeted in her purchasing
  • The Retail Therapy Seeker – seeking company and purchases to fulfil her inner needs (or just needs to take time out from the kids, I think!)
  • The Girl’s Day Out shopper – shops in packs, is happy and relaxed, wears sensible shoes and carries numerous bags
  • The Hunter – alert, serious and focused on finding a bargain

While this goes some way to providing descriptors for the varying female market, there is still some need to address the generational and lifestyle differences of female shoppers. We are all persuaded differently and have different experiences depending our expectations and needs at the time. If there was an easy answer to the question of why women shop, or why anyone shops, then the art of attracting customers would be simple.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ways to Achieve Printing Quotes Online

By Carla San Gaspar Platinum Quality Author

Mostly, we often encounter many promotional materials on our way. They are either distributed by the hand or delivered via mail. This advertising materials like the postcards and business cards are said to be businesses frontline of their service. It is a simple way of expanding their company without the need to talk personally with their clients or do a house to house campaign.

Moreover, we too can never deny the fact that online services had helped us much with our daily lives. For, we can immediately get what we want without any hassles. Like for instance if we are after printing our own business cards and postcards we could easily get the specs that we want by simply browsing the net and rendering online services.

In terms of purchasing or ordering the materials there are ways on how to achieve printing quotes online.

1. Through the assistance of customer service representatives – most representatives of a commercial printer are well trained to provide you with features that you can have for your material. After you have rendered your services online this customer service will be friend you and give you several pointers on how to easily deal with your print jobs. They could also explain briefly the printing costs that you will need upon the duration of the printing.

•Upon talking and gathering great ideas from the customer service they will hand you out a printing quote. This quote contains all the specific details that you need for your printing jobs.

•In addition with the submission of your quotes your customer representative will check on it to see whether you were able to provide the details. Soon as your quotes were completed your project will now then be processed.

2. Getting quotes online – this is the most practical way of acquiring printing quotes. With just a click of your mouse you could easily get your printing specs and acquire the printing cost of your print jobs.

•Mostly online printing companies do have the product order pages. This page has an instant pricing feature that will give you a price quote on the product after you had made the selections.

•With the printing quotes online you are free to choose what specs you would want to apply for your materials. Through the printing quote you are able to specify the following:

1. Quantity

2. Color

3. Size

4. Stock and

5. Add notes

With what we get through online services is really very advantageous in our part. We need not to spend more time looking for a local print shop rather with just a click of a mouse there you get what you want.

Moreover, with the lots online printing services providing printing quotes online go for the ones that can give what you are asking of.

For more Printing Guides such as Invitation Printing or Folded Postcard you may log on to Postcard Printing

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