Solid targeting, flawless click-fraud detection, exclusive traffic sources, and good customer service! All this and more from our Pay-per-Click services! - "Over the next five years, we estimate the paid search industry will grow at a 37-percent CAGR [compound annual growth rate] to more than $33 billion in 2010, and Google is expected to capture the lion's share of that revenue and grow faster than the market as a whole," Rashtchy wrote in a Google research note.
There is so much to search engines than just Google.
The top PPC search engines:
Google AdWords
Enhance Interactive
Any company or organization needing to generate cost-effective leads or sales online finds PPC search engines as a way to generate the traffic. Hitting the bull"s eye in paid search is a daunting task and doing this right is the underlying challenge for both big and small PPC search players alike. Many marketers say that nothing matches the control, measurability, and ROI they get from paid search marketing campaigns. There are a few PPC search engines ruling while others take a back seat. What"s the difference? It mainly attributes to the quality of clicks from PPC than quantity. The "click to conversion" traffic is what really counts.
What is it to search engines?
PPC Advertising is the sole revenue model for all top search engines and is the advertisers" key to targeted visibility and great ROI. They have a steady flow of income for partners or affiliates and have the best model for focused search strategy which translates to quicker results. On the whole, paid search now accounts for 50% of all online advertising spending.
Market Share of Searches: August 2006
The chart below shows the percentage of searches done by US web surfers in August 2006 that were performed at a particular web site or a network of web sites:
What is PPC with
With industry leading quality control, ppc.abcsearch deals with over a thousand direct advertisers and a thousand distribution partners that syndicate or partner to. The company comes across around 15,000,000 queries a day on its network. The search marketplace is constantly changing and progressing. More and more issues are witnessed with click fraud in paid search and the key to overcoming this is by identifying and blocking the fraud with state-of-the-art technology, which is currently implementing. This is precisely where their patent-pending click detection solution "ClickShield" comes in. It captures the sources of traffic and helps understand that this traffic is valid or not. User behavior patterns, monitoring Ips, search to click measures, etc are well monitored. Its mechanism completely eliminates the clicks an advertiser really shouldn"t be paying for.
It taked trusted partnerships to deliver quality leads to advertisers."s credible partnerships foster the best targeting and visibility to your brand. Example: represents the current panacea among the net surfers of the blog craze. This means the very potential traffic from the field is to be of quality. Likewise, partners represent sometimes a certain sect of focused target audience or a variety of related audience who could be your immediate prospect. The result - high quality traffic.
PPC: Wise doubts
Understanding how much priority to place on paid search
The budget
Key campaign settings: budget settings, ad rotation, geo-targeting, and more
The sector search seasonality, trends in purchase behavior
Bid Strategy - bidding to ROI, to establish position, competitive jockeying and bid management, etc.
Combating Click Fraud: Main sources of click fraud and seek the leading tactics for discovering and eliminating
Landing Page Testing, Site Architecture, and Conversion Rates. The best practice of conversion rates from a click to a sale
Contextual Advertising: What to Avoid. Knowing contextual ad programs, and settings to control, measure, or opt out of bad traffic, etc. The Credentials
The advertising program allows advertisers to list their websites as search results across their network of smaller search engines and strategic partnerships. Advertisers choose keywords that are relevant to their websites while selecting the precise amount they wish to pay for each click on their listings by a consumer.
Site listings on ABCSearch are ranked and determined according to the highest bidders. Signing up for the advertising program does not guarantee that any or all of the search terms submitted will be accepted by or that such search terms will generate any traffic to Advertiser's site. reserves the right to reject and/or remove any search terms submitted by Advertisers.
Clickshield: The unique click fraud detector
In 2006 at least $500 million in pay-per-click online advertising expenditure was wasted through click fraud.
By 2008, Click fraud is estimated to grow to $1.6 billion, an increase of over 45%.
Corrupt affiliates of ad networks account for 85% of all click fraud.
What is ClickShield?
ClickShield was developed to aid Pay-per-click search providers to end the threat of click fraud.
It is important to us that your advertising dollars go towards converting traffic, instead of being wasted on fruitless clicks. By monitoring network traffic patterns, we block the traffic that we know you should not be paying for. Period.
ClickShield optimizes all ABCSearch network search traffic automatically, ensuring all clicks are free of fraudulent symptoms. each click gets scrubbed against natural user behavior patterns among other proprietary statistical methods. All you have to do is...well...nothing!
Click fraud has been a part of the PPC advertising scene since the earliest days of the Internet. The simplest type of click fraud happens when a publisher accepts PPC ads on his site, then clicks on them himself or has others do the dirty work. This can be one of the hardest types of "insincere clicks" to spot, especially if it"s kept to low levels. It isn"t always, though.
Therein lies one of the biggest hurdles in the battle to eliminate - or at least effectively deal with - click fraud. The companies that manage PPC advertising - Google, Overture and other search engine companies - have a clear conflict of interest in resolving disputed clicks. This conflict sometimes even extends to the terminology used to refer to fraudulent clicks in either community. Google, for instance, collects from advertisers for 'actual clicks' and pays publishers for 'valid clicks'. That's led to speculation that Google may be collecting from advertisers for some clicks for which they don't pay publishers.
If quality leads is your aim, then quality search engines have the answer!