Sunday, March 4, 2007

eBay Selling Secrets

Learn From Your CompetitorsFew sellers realize that not only is eBay an excellent source of sales, it's also a valuable resource for conducting research. You get to see firsthand what sells and what doesn't. You can also easily expose the various strategies applied and how they may have had an impact on the individual results of an auction. Punch in various keywords that apply to your product and category and peruse the various items listed. Take note of any sellers who offer the same items you do, as well as those who feature multiple items in your niche category. These are the guys you want to pay particular attention to. Why? Because chances are, they've already reached a level of success. It's also a good idea to do an Advanced Search and see how their listings have performed recently. Notice the categories used by other sellers to market their items. One category might appear obvious to you, yet another may prove more profitable. Deciding which categories to list in begins with an analysis of where your competition advertises.Build a list of specific keywords used by these and other competitors. This is crucial. But it's the keywords used in their titles that are of the greatest significance. The reason for this is that typically eBay searches only involve the words used in listing titles, and not descriptions. This makes for more efficient searching and leaner lists of relevant auctions. eBayers are forced to go the extra mile through advanced searching to also include descriptions in their search for related keywords. This extra step, plus the fact that many users are unaware of it means the keywords in your body copy are only of secondary value.Study the descriptions used by others as though you were a detective looking for vital clues. What main appeals are used? Has the seller stressed benefits? Is there a strong offer? Is it easily readable and well-presented? Is there a guarantee or return policy used? Does the overall listing look appealing to first-time buyers? Does this look like a seller you'd do business with? Are there obvious attributes about the seller's business or level of service that are made apparent? And most importantly, has the seller provided enough reasons for buying?As you learn more about what works and what doesn't in terms of sales copy, you'll gain valuable insights as to how to make your eBay listings even more effective. Pay attention to any of the optional eBay options such as Bold or Featured Listings used by other successful sellers. Does it work for them by attracting more bids? If so, it's probably worth trying with your own listings.

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